Thursday, May 1, 2008

An Introduction of Sorts

This is a new blog. It'll be much like the old one but in a new place with a sillier name. However, it is unlikely content will improve and will still mostly be composed of pictures of cats and boyfriends or boyfriends with cats.

I leave you with this photo as an official approval of this blog (and wizards who turn people into whales).


Anonymous said...

Glad to be along for the ride. :)

D said...

Bookmarked and subscribed to!


(This is totally Kleio by the way!)

Kristin said...

Sweet! My peeps have shown up.

Anonymous said...

Your lazy susan is open.

Unknown said...


zxeaglezx said...

I'm here!

(aka bald_eagle)

Kristin said...


Anonymous said...

That's a cool picture. And a cool shirt.

(This is another incarnation of the troll. Just to confuse you.)