Friday, June 13, 2008

I-80 Detour

So I've been kept informed about the flooding vicariously through Justin and a few other IC people. The best thing I've heard is the closure of I-80 in various places. Justin was driving (on I-80) to his parents' house when he heard on the radio that the stretch of road he was on was being closed. He was literally one of the last people to cross I-80 before the detour was instated. If you haven't heard, due to all the flooding around I-80, the detour is insanely massive.

This is now how you get from Iowa City to the Quad Cities:

It went from a 1 hr trip to 6 hr 20 min. Oh my god.


D said...

As someone who has taken I-80 to get to the Quad Cities (multiple times...) all I can say is... holy fucking shit!

Kristin said...

Well said, my friend. Well said.