Friday, June 20, 2008


So I'm not entirely sure how this started but I've spent the past two days making balloon animals. Justin wants me to do it for the crazy circus thing him and his juggling buddies are putting on at the Picador so I've been practicing. Me and Justin decided to take a bunch of crazy pictures with my newly created menagerie.


This is an early version of a helicopter I designed myself. It's now slightly better.

This lion was hard as hell to make. I'm super proud of it.



Wiener. Hehehe.




Turtle. Poor turtle is slowly deflating as we speak. Balloon animals lead short but rich lives.


Friday totally popped this in the middle of the night. I found its corpse in the hallway.

Those are all from last night. Things I've learned to make since then include a cat, mouse, monkey, brontosaurus, a better helicopter, and a really kick-ass scorpion. I can also make a squirrel, bird, and two types of frogs but they're all kind of questionable.

I have the weirdest hobbies ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed. :)

And I think you'd make a better awesome lion, yourself.