Friday, June 13, 2008

Random Photo Update

So I've been toying around with my macro some more. Here are the results. Mind you, there's nothing spectacular, but interesting enough to post.

Friday's crazy golden cat eye

Slugs found in the backyard around midnight, lit by flashlight.

That was three different slugs. My sister (flashlight-pointer extraordinaire) and I actually found about five.

Also, we found this thing. I don't know what it is.

Lastly, I dyed my hair a night or two before I left for Arkansas. The results:

So yeah, predictably, the difference is pretty nonexistent except in very strong light. Then it has a reddish tinge to it. Anti-climactic much?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Um, I thought the golden eye *was* pretty spectacular. :)

And the slugs were interesting, too.

And no, you are not anti-climatic, your hair look really good, and it was a nice change of pace for the denouement...