Wednesday, July 9, 2008

More Circus Stuff

Justin can sword swallow. It used to freak me out a lot but he's really good at it so I don't worry too much anymore.

Luther is a really, really good juggler. He has a bunch of neat three-ball tricks and he can do them all with an amazing amount of fluidity.

He can even juggle whilst riding a unicycle. For a little while anyway. (Ignore the crappy photo. It's a hard thing to photograph. Also, he only did it for a few minutes.)

Matt's idea of juggling tricks are doing things like feeding Luther a cookie while he and Justin pass. Matt is all sorts of goofy. He will be doing some sort of ventriloquist act for the circus. He will also be performing in the ABBA cover band, BABBA (formerly Swedish Delight).

One of Mirri's friends, Leigh, has taken quite a liking to poi and stuff like that so she's been showing up at practice trying to learn what she can. Last time, Justin showed her a video of Todd Robbins, the guy who inspired Justin's sideshow freak career, eating a light bulb. This was her reaction.

Justin added another act to his routine. He will now be juggling, sword swallowing, performing a human blockhead routine, and doing this hilariously, gross balloon thingy. (The video starts off with the blockhead act which will be helpful for those of you who had no idea what I was talking about.)

Tonight, some people from the Daily Iowan (the Univ. of Iowa's newspaper) came to take pictures and video of Luther and Justin juggling torches and Audrey eating, breathing, and spinning fire. It was kind of neat. The video should be up on their website on Thursday.

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