Saturday, September 6, 2008

Praying Mantis

Where is your god now? Bwa ha ha ha!

I'd hate to be on the wrong side of those.

I found this guy in the stairwell of my apartment complex. He's the biggest praying mantis I've ever seen face to face. He had to be at least 4 inches long, maybe 5. I was really taken aback by the amount of structure his body had. The little ones I used to catch outside my bedroom window when I was a kid always had green, fairly soft looking bodies but this guy looked like he had a shell like a crab. Anyway, in exchange for letting me shove a lens in his face, I took him back outside.


D said...

For some reason, praying mantises are just about the only bugs that don't freak me out. SUCH excellent pictures of him. I'm excited because Nick has finally relented and is going to let me start taking pictures of him so I have an actual interesting subject to practice my own photography on!

I also wanted to give you a heads-up; I'm probably going to be abandoning my blog over at my website in favor of something a tad more... "wholesome".

If nothing else, it's just easier to keep track of. =P

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE mantises! :)

Crosswinds Farm said...

Hmmmm, I wonder what would happen if your Mantis met my Wheel Bug???
Great photos BTW.